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Watch Dogs 2 Xbox One

Price: £4.99 & FREE delivery in the UK.
You Save: £50.00 (90%)
Availability: In stock soon
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Format:Xbox One
Type:Adventure / Shooter
Page Date:16/04/2023
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Enter The Hackers' World

Watch Dogs 2 Hacking Invasions

Hacking Invasions

Explore a massive and dynamic open-world offering an incredible variety of gameplay possibilities. Hack your way through traffic while you engage in dangerous car chases through the winding streets of San Francisco, traverse the rooftops of the colorful & vibrant neighborhoods of Oakland, and infiltrate the cutting edge offices of Silicon Valley companies. There are many secrets to uncover in the birthplace of the tech revolution.

Play as Marcus Holloway, a brilliant young hacker. Team up with Dedsec, a notorious group of hackers, and expose the hidden dangers of ctOS 2.0, which, in the hands of corrupt corporations, is being wrongfully used to monitor and manipulate citizens on a massive scale. In 2016, ctOS 2.0, an advanced operating system networking city infrastructure, was implemented in several US cities to create a safer, more efficient metropolis. With the power of hacking and Dedsec by your side, launch the Hack of the Century, take down ctOS 2.0 and give freedom back to whom it belongs: the people.

Stay connected to your friends with a brand new seamless multiplayer experience that includes both Co-op and Player vs. Player activities, all available in a shared open world experience.

Watch Dogs 2 Dedsec

Dedsec Multiplayer / Co-op

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