PS5 Back In Stock Web Alerts
How we track PS5 console stock: Our aim is to provide an unbiased stock tracking service to the UK. We often list items from shops that do not pay us anything whatsoever towards the costs of operating. Other shops agree to pay us a small commission on the sale of certain items. We continually monitor all known leads and update our page when things change.
What you want, at the right time and price
Save your favourites and monitor the prices and availability all on one page. No need to sign in. Find products, save them using the heart button, get web alerts for price drops and back in stock notifications on your wishlist ðŸ’
Pre-ordering a PS5 Console
The PS5 console is currently in high demand, and short supply. The big three games stores pre-sell stock in advance, then after release day, start taking pre-orders again on waves of deliveries for popular items sold out.
When popular items go in/out of stock and there is high demand, retailers list pre-orders for stock due-in-advance before it arrives and show customers the expected delivery date. The delivery date being shown is especially helpful when buying gifts.
Because a delivery date is vital information - we show dates if known, as this factor is more important than price alone when the whole of the market is struggling to meet demand due to no stock from the supply chain; typical situation – everywhere sells out around the same time, peak time.
Speaking from experience, trusted retailers do sell out of pre-orders before they actually have the stock, so it is advisable not to wait, if the delivery date is guaranteed and in time for Christmas, buy while it’s available. Â Black Friday deals on high demand hardware might not happen unless sales drop off. In which case, after Christmas hardware will most likely be further discounted by retailers.
Two editions have been released, the disc PS5 1TB console (PS5 Stock tracker) RRP: £449 and the PS5 all digital edition. Bundles are expected before Christmas and will also be features on those pages from time to time as the availability changes. See here for the PlayStation 5 Digital RRP: £349 PS5 Digital Edition Stock Checker and monitor both in the UK market. Other PlayStation hardware and accessories are providing hard to find, in particular the Pulse 3D Wireless Headset (search site to find)
COVID-19 Uncertainties
During exceptional times - John Lewis, Argos, Currys and GAME might opt to increase high-street sales, when only a small number of units are in hand.
Back in stock alerts and price drop notifications
Since 2006 we’ve been one of the first to provide stock checking / tracking and alerts. Until recently we provided back in stock alerts and price drops via email. Technology has changed. Email has become unreliable. We are moving towards Web App push notifications and away from email due to the problems of non-delivery and junk mail. Our weekly newsletter emails stopped in 2015.
Shops Listed at GameStock
Our aim is to list all trusted UK retailers offering consoles, mobile phones, tech, gadgets, video games and related merch.
Price Updates
Our webpages of products, prices and stock status, is usually updated in real-time on demand. Â The more popular an item, the more often the content is updated.
Console Bundles
Best deals: Everyone wants the best deal. Among game stores competition is high. When shopping for a new console the best advantage is often the bundled games included free.
Consoles come with Hard and Soft bundles. Retailers can add games and provide their own bundles, as well as hardware bundles with games or extra controllers in the box and featured on the cover.
Blog Stock Tracking Archive
2006-2008: Nintendo Wii -
2007-2013: Apple iPhone / iPad Mini
2011: Nintendo 3DS -
2012: Wii Fit
2013: Sony PlayStation 4 and Microsoft Xbox One - stock checker
2020: PS5 and Xbox Series X|S
About Us
We started back in 2006 with the Nintendo Wii stock shortages. Like all businesses, operating costs need to be met - advertisements, taxes, technology and professional staff. Over the years we’ve found commission has been falling (often zero) and advertising costs are rising.
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