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FIFA 17 Xbox 360

Price: £9.95 & FREE delivery in the UK.
You Save: £43.04 (80%)
Availability: In stock
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Format:Xbox 360
Type:Sports Simulation
Page Date:23/09/2022
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Pre-order Deal

Receive the full FIFA 17 game, and get up to 5 FUT Draft Tokens, an 8-Match FUT Loan Player, and Special Edition FUT Kits.

From the Manufacturer

Complete innovation in the way players think and move, physically interact with opponents, and execute in attack puts you in complete control of every moment on the pitch.

Experience football’s social network. Earn rewards, level up, enjoy live Challenges, and connect with friends. Everything within FIFA 17 is measured and communicated through EA SPORTS Football Club. Fans can earn rewards to unlock items from the Football Club Catalogue, and build their status as they climb 100 levels. Real-world storylines drive EA SPORTS Football Club through regular challenges so that FIFA 17 will look, feel and play like the real-world season.

FIFA 17: Neymar Jr, Lionel Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo, Eden Hazard

Left to right: Neymar Jr, Lionel Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo, Eden Hazard

* Specification, artwork, features and launch date subject to change. * System requirements: At least 25GB free hard disk space (PS4/Xbox One/PC), 256MB (Xbox 360), 4MB (PS3) and internet access. * Certain features require Xbox Live or PS+ membership (sold separately).* Features vary depending on system and game version. * FUT gold packs expire and activate weekly from launch date regardless of when you purchase and install. This means not all 5 FUT packs will available after 16/10/16.

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