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Nintendo Switch Mario Red & Blue Edition

Price: £279.99 & FREE delivery in the UK.
You Save: £70.91 (25%)
Availability: In stock
New from GameStock:
Category:Video Games
Format:Nintendo Switch
Page Date:30/01/2025
Compare Nintendo Switch Mario Red & Blue Edition Console deals from the top 6 out of 131 seller's offers. Highlight your shopping preferences by selecting the circled buying options. Low price £279.99, compared to high £350.90: Average £310.81.
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Bundle and Game Options

To coincide with the launch of Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury, Nintendo have built a fantastic Red console to pre-order, available in the UK. Mario turned 35 on October 1st 2020. This bundle is part of the #SuperMario35 anniversary collection, so it's kind of special. The Mario themed accessory Case given away for free, features tiny printed gloves, hats and dungarees.

Nintendo Switch Mario Red & Blue Edition Console with Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury Bundle
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